Longest Living GBM Survivor Celebrates 20 Years Cancer-Free


Longest Living GBM Cancer Survivor Celebrates 20 Years Cancer-Free

Carmen Rice

Twenty years ago, Carmen Rice was told to get her affairs in order, she was diagnosed with the deadliest form of brain cancer, glioblastoma. At the time, she was told she had about 6 months to live. In what she believes to be a miracle, in 2024, Carmen celebrated 20-years being cancer free from glioblastoma. Overall, glioblastoma has a five-year survival rate less than 8%. Carmen Rice is considered the longest living glioblastoma (GBM) cancer survivor.

What Makes GBM so deadly?

GBM is one of the deadly cancers that has seen very few significant updates over the last 20 years. The lack of breakthroughs is not because researchers aren’t trying – they are – but because there is a bottleneck at the clinical trial stage to approve better treatments.

How is NFCR Addressing this Deadly Form of Cancer?

GBM AGILE is a revolutionary clinical trial platform designed for patients battling the deadliest brain cancer, glioblastoma. The AGILE trial design is a model for drug development to support patients with other rare cancers and diseases.

NFCR CEO, Dr. Sujuan Ba is a founding member leading the charge to get GBM AGILE started and NFCR provided early funding that made it all possible.

Now, the innovative GBM AGILE trial platform continues to expand and improve outcomes for the most difficult-to-treat cancers, including GBM, Ovarian, and Pancreatic Cancers. Learn more about GBM AGILE here.

Glioblastoma (GBM) is the deadliest type of brain cancer, accounting for 45% of all primary malignant brain tumors.

Hope for the Future of Surviving Other Deadly Cancer

The miracle of Carmen’s survival is what NFCR supported scientists are working to secure for every cancer patient. We hope that her story of challenging the odds and survival reminds all patients and supporters there is hope for a better future.

“I have found the National Foundation for Cancer Research team to be dedicated and caring, I have been treated as part of their family.  I feel privileged to have met them.  I know that one day my fine and dedicated family will find a cure for glioblastoma and many other cancers and save the lives of people like me.  I am delighted to know that they work on a global scale to find a cure for glioblastoma.  They give me hope and inspiration to move forward!”    – Carmen Rice

To make a gift today in honor of cancer survivors like Carmen, please donate here.

Carmen’s recovery inspired her to write about her experiences with battling cancer and the road to remission. The book titled, They Call Me “The Miracle“, is a collaboration between talented writer Randy Harris and cancer survivor Carmen Rice, focused on bringing hope to those who are battling illness or doubt in their own lives.

Order her book here, and NFCR will receive a portion of your purchase from Amazon!

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Carmen Rice 20 Years
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