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Leading the Development of New Cancer Technologies: Dr. Paul Abrams’ Story

Dr. Paul Abrams has dedicated a 30-plus career spanning academia, government, non-profit, investing and business to developing new cancer therapeutics. While in medical school at Yale, Paul experienced the first of many losses to cancer when his uncle and his father’s uncle passed away from lung cancer, both within one…...

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Project Patient Voice – Helping Patients in the Fight Against Cancer

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently launched a new initiative aimed to help patients in the fight against cancer. This project, appropriately named Project Patient Voice, was initiated by the FDA’s Oncology Center of Excellence to give patients and health care professionals unique information that has not been publicly…...

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Can an Apple a Day Help Keep Cancer Away?

It’s a saying as old as time – an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Over the years, many have questioned the validity of this well-known statement. Can one piece of fruit be the key to keeping healthy and well? While the debate may never truly be settled, researchers…...

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Propelling the Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is the most common type of pancreatic cancer, making up approximately 95% of the diagnoses. Though pancreatic cancer – in general – is relatively rare, experts expect to see pancreatic cancer rise to become the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States by 2030. The general five-year survival…...

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Researchers Uncover Causal Link Between HPV and Prostate Cancer

Presence of human papilloma viruses (HPVs) in prostate tumors suggests countries should encourage universal vaccination against HPV infections. A literature review published by James Lawson and Wendy Glenn from the University of New South Wales in Australia suggests human papilloma viruses (HPVs) may have a causal role in prostate cancer.…...

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Genetic Testing: Learning More About Your Cancer Risk

Genetic testing can be an important tool in helping patients learn about their inherited cancer risk, but the results are not always as clear as patients might expect. Just as traits such as hair color and eye color can be passed down from parents to their children, so too can…...

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Pediatric Cancer Facts and the Need for Improved Treatment

September is childhood (or pediatric) cancer awareness month. While all cancers are painful to both the patient, and their loved ones, perhaps no cancer has a more devastating impact on the patient, or his/her family unit, than pediatric cancer.   Cancer is the leading cause of death among children under the age…...

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Understanding Thyroid Cancer: A Serious, But Highly Treatable Disease

September is National Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. Learn more about risk factors, symptoms, and available treatments for a disease predicted to affect more than 50,000 Americans in 2020. September is National Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. And, while you might often overlook the tiny, butterfly-shaped gland, it is worth understanding the…...

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Virtual Fundraising 101

As COVID-19 continues to affect day-to-day lives, we realize and understand the changes occurring in athletic departments across the country. For your convenience, Play4TheCure has compiled a comprehensive list of virtual fundraising methods that your team can initiate while practicing social distancing and maintaining other public health rules....

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