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Stopping Melanoma in Its Tracks: Advancing Methods for Early Detection

Results of new study may offer researchers a more effective way to track the evolution of the most aggressive form of skin cancer. Although melanoma accounts for less than one percent of skin cancer cases, it is responsible for the vast majority of skin cancer deaths. But despite its reputation…...

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Navigating Stage IV Cancer: Sherry’s Story

Though it originated in theatre, telling someone to ‘break a leg’ has become a colloquial way of wishing someone good luck. For Sherry Frazier, however, it was breaking her arm that brought good fortune. Prior to breaking her arm in September 2019, Sherry noticed a lump in her breast and…...

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National Volunteer Month: Volunteering while in Self-Isolation

April is normally a busy month. As previews of spring start popping up across the nation and the long winter hibernations end, people begin feeling an itch to get out in newly-discovered sunlight. The country uses this burst of energy to celebrate National Volunteers Month – a month honoring all…...

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How Can You Continue to Support Play4TheCure?

We NEED your help to continue the fight against cancer! Here are five ways that you can continue to support Play4TheCure during this global pandemic....

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Cancer is Not Equal: National Minority Health Month

Prevalence of cancer, along with survival and death rates, are discussed at length at a national and international level. However, when speaking about the rates of cancer in America, it is rarely broken down into specific population groups. Though cancer affects all of these groups, there seems to be larger…...

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Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month

Though only making up 4% of cancer diagnoses in the United States, it is estimated that head and neck cancer will take the lives of approximately 14,620 Americans this year alone. Head and neck cancer refer to cancers in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, sinuses and nasal cavity, and salivary…...

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