On May 23, 2018, my mother, Susan Williams, was admitted to UNC Rex Hospital in our home town of Raleigh, North Carolina, after being told that some “abnormalities” had shown up in her blood test. Several months earlier, my mom experienced excruciating pain around her rib cage and back that…...
Cancer Research: Is it Worth Your Dime?
Find someone diagnosed with cancer, and they will have likely been treated with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or by having the tumor surgically removed. Treatment is hardly enjoyable, but it is usually quite effective. With so many success stories from survivors, it may be tempting to ask why continuing to fund…...
Supporting the Women’s Venture Competition
The National Foundation for Cancer Research is honored to be an official partner for a highly unique investment event designed specifically to highlight, energize and fund promising cancer treatment technology companies led by female scientist-entrepreneurs. The AIM-HI Accelerator Fund’s Women’s Venture Competition, which will be held on May 20 at…...
New Study Suggests Strong Social Support Can Improve Cancer Outcomes
Study conducted by researchers at Kaiser Permanente found women diagnosed with colorectal cancer who had low social support before diagnosis were more likely to succumb to their illness. A new study from researchers at Kaiser Permanente sheds light on the importance of social support for women diagnosed with colorectal cancer.…...
NFCR-Backed Technology Receives FDA’s Assent for Lymphoma Clinical Trials
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 12, 2020 CONTACT: National Foundation for Cancer Research Bradley Gillenwater, Senior Director for Global Program Development E-mail: bgillenwater@nfcr.org / Phone: 301-961-9161 ROCKVILLE, MD – A drug and drug delivery candidate technology, research into which has been funded by the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR), has…...
Colorectal Cancer: A Serious, But Preventable Disease
March is colorectal cancer awareness month. Learn the signs and symptoms, as well as steps that you can take to help reduce your risk. March is colorectal cancer awareness month. Although colorectal cancer can be a devastating disease, it is also very preventable thanks to the development of advanced screening…...
Play4TheCure FUNdraising Ideas
Play4TheCure is dedicated to raising funds for the National Foundation for Cancer Research through competitive sports featuring recreational sports clubs, middle schools, high schools and collegiate sporting events. Through the program, teams are encouraged to brainstorm unique fundraising strategies. To help you get started on your fundraiser, here is a…...