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Sarcoma Origin Identified

Cancer is anything but a straightforward disease; one tumor type can be entirely different from another not only in location, but causal agent and origin. There is differentiation even within the same type of cancer. Take sarcoma, which is in fact an umbrella term for nearly 100 cancers originating in…...

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Are Firework Pollutants Harming your Health?

The entire country lights up the sky every year over the Fourth of July weekend to celebrate freedom and independence. Whether viewed over a lake or over a city skyline, watching the twinkling skies is a beloved tradition by young and old alike. In recent years, however, studies have been…...

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Healthy Garden Teriyaki Stir-Fry

Nourishment is a fundamental aspect of body-mind wellness. It provides the raw materials and potential energy required for life-sustaining chemical. Nourishment affects health at the chemical level and also at the personal level. Part of cancer prevention and health creation is developing a nourishing dietary lifestyle that honors both of…...

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Meet our Play4TheCure Summer Interns!

We are excited to introduce our Play4TheCure summer interns Chloe Riven and Ethan Li to you!...

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Circadian Rhythm, Sleep and a Link to Cancer

For many, working a night shift is a regular part of life. While most of the world operates on a 9-5 business model, a surprising number of businesses and services operate outside of “normal” hours. Hospitals need medical professionals, buildings need security and scores of drivers and workers need 24-hour…...

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Faces & Voices of Cancer—In Depth: Dr. Joshua Mansour

Dr. Joshua Mansour has spent his time in hospitals since he was a young teenager. In his middle school years, he volunteered in hospitals and clinics around his hometown of Los Angeles. His early passion for medicine led him to his current practice as an oncologist and hematologist who specializes…...

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For Young Adults, “Cancer Recovery” Is A Loaded Term

Despite all of the advancements in cancer research and cures, there is one major aspect of the disease that is as under-discussed as it is controversial: patient cost. While the road to recovery is anything but easy, the road to post-cancer financial wellness is a hotly-contested and complex issue that…...

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Playing Tunes, Fighting Tumors

The general manager of a utility company, George Unverzagt too is a guitarist and singer-songwriter with a bluesy, folk Americana band popular throughout much of Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. The Acoustic Wolves, comprised of himself and longtime musical partner Jeff Hemmerlin, have a bare, stripped-down style which has…...

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Origin Cells of Glioblastoma May Have Been Identified

In what could be a major breakthrough, scientists at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in South Korea claim to have identified the cellular origin of glioblastoma, a fast-growing type of central nervous system tumor that forms from supportive tissue of the brain and spinal cord. It…...

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A Rapidly Emerging Field of Cancer Treatment

The human body normally runs like a well-oiled machine. It is able to activate muscles and run repairs without a conscious thought. One of the truly fascinating components of the human body is the immune system. The immune system is able to identify potentially harmful foreign matter and destroy it.…...

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