Inexpensive Tests Spur Family Members to Assess Cancer Risks
As technology improves and costs come down, medical practitioners are noticing a new trend: family members of cancer patients are now asking for their genomes to be profiled in order to gauge their risks of developing the disease. This assertion is backed by a Stanford University study of more than…...
Zhen-Yi Wang & Zhu Chen: Quite a Combination
There was a time when if you were diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia, or APL, the prognosis was grim. First discovered in 1957, APL is a form of acute myeloid leukemia, where immature white blood cells called promyelocytes accumulate in the bone marrow. The overgrowth of promyelocytes leads to a…...
Changing the Way Drugs Target Cancer
Cancer treatment has evolved greatly in the past fifty years. Since the introduction of chemotherapy, radiation therapy and stem cell transplants, tens of thousands of cancer patients have been victorious in battle. All of these advances have impacted cancer treatment, but a recent drug approval by the U.S. Food and…...
Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month: Possible Link to Mental Health Disorders
Accounting for approximately 3% of cancer cases nationwide, the symptoms of head and neck cancer are particularly uncomfortable. Head and neck cancer refers to tumors that develop around the throat, larynx, nose, sinus and mouth. As these areas support vital bodily functions, such as eating and breathing, the symptoms can…...