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Breast Exams: At Home or Clinic?

There is a grim reality to both cancer research and funding: Each, to an enormous degree, is directed at early detection, not when metastasis has already taken place. Like most diseases, cancer is, in fact, fairly curable at its earliest stages. However, once a tumor begins to spread, mortality rates…...

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Camp to Cure Cancer

Every summer, campers across the country flood to the nearest Jellystone Park for weekends spent in the great outdoors with beloved Yogi Bear characters—and a fun-filled calendar of events. Most Jellystone Park campgrounds host family-oriented events every weekend, including Christmas in July and Spooktacular Halloween Weekends. In western Pennsylvania, however,…...

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Protein Identified in Breast Cancer Metastasis

Researchers from the University of Liverpool have found an explanation for how breast cancer spreads to the lungs, which could potentially hold the key to preventing the progression of the disease. Led by Dr. Ainhoa Mielgo, the research team conducted a study to gain a better understanding of how breast…...

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James Allison: The Main Act

“How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.” The words of acclaimed physicist Niels Bohr can be thought to apply to the somewhat counterintuitive notion that by engineering an element of the human body’s wondrous natural defense network to disengage, wellbeing…...

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Dr. Doug Lowy on the Future of Cancer Research

Dr. Lowy, in collaboration with Dr. John Schiller, has been awarded the 2018 Szent-Györgyi prize for Progress in Cancer Research for their development of a preventive vaccine for human papilloma virus, which is the leading cause of cervical cancer cases. See why Dr. Lowy thinks that the problems with cancer…...

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Know Your Risks

One in eight women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in her life. In fact, other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer amongst women in the country. Unfortunately, the two most significant risks for developing breast cancer are factors…...

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All in Moderation: The Power of Exercise and Diet Choices

In 2018, there will be an estimated 1.7 million new cases of cancer in the United States. Over 600 thousand people will die from the disease. Over $140 billion will be spent for national cancer care. With all of this being said, over 70% of all cancers have their roots…...

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Artemisinin Therapies: Connecting the Dots

You wouldn’t think it, but the science cannot be denied: One of the newest and most promising drug candidates for cancer was actually developed all the way back in 1972. For malaria. “There were some hints in the literature, but we were totally ignorant,” admits Curt Civin, M.D., whose work…...

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Faces & Voices of Cancer—in Depth: Michael Stein

“I think it was 2006,” recalls Michael “Mickey” Stein on his chronic follicular indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma. “I was taking a shower and felt a lump in my groin. I have a degree in psychology, but a lot of it was in the medical end of psychology. I also had a…...

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National Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month

Given recent innovation in cancer research and public awareness, most cancers are declining in frequency. Unfortunately, thyroid cancer is not following this trend. Thyroid cancer has actually seen an increase in frequency of about 4% every year throughout the last 10 years. In addition, this increase is most significant in…...

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