This month is Kidney Cancer Awareness Month, and March 8, is World Kidney Day. In this National Foundation for Cancer Research blog post, we will look at recent scientific advances in the battle against the most common form of the disease: Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC). In 2018, just under 64,000…...
Study Better Predicts Stomach Cancer
Although stomach (AKA gastric) cancer is the third deadliest cancer in the world, claiming an estimated 10,960 lives in the United States alone in 2017, it remains one of the more difficult cancers to notice and detect. Indeed, more than two-thirds of patients are diagnosed only after the disease is…...
National Cancer Prevention Month
February is National Cancer Prevention Month. As the National Foundation for Cancer Research, we want to share in the important message of cancer prevention. Cancer risk can be decreased with simple healthy lifestyle changes and early detection testing. But do you really need another article reminding you to stop smoking…...
Presidential Cancer
Presidential cancer diagnoses were historically kept secret. President Grover Cleveland successfully hid his 1893 tumor removal for almost twenty-five years. Even as late as 1967, President Lyndon Johnson underwent a covert skin cancer removal operation. Why were these cancer diagnoses concealed? Historically, cancer was a likely death sentence, and revealing…...
Brain Cancer Surgery: Thriving in Recovery
Brain cancer is a formidable adversary in the world of oncology. Against substantial odds, patients work with dedicated doctors to mount a counter offensive. The road to recovery is, to no one’s astonishment, arduous, as brain surgery exposes the very epicenter of our being, behavior, personality, motor skills and memory.…...