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Preventing and Treating Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is never thwarted by the politics of avoidance. Over half of men aged 50 and over have already experienced changes to the tissues and cells in their prostate, which is part of the normal aging process. The likelihood of developing prostate cancer increases with age. While only one…...

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Encouragement for Cancer Caregivers

When a diagnosis of cancer is delivered to a patient, the effect is obviously traumatic. This trauma is not self-limiting. The people who love and care for those with cancer have their lives irrevocably impacted, as well. Individuals find themselves in a role they hadn’t anticipated playing: that of caregiver…...

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Causal Links Between Alcohol & Cancer

Enjoying a glass of fine wine by the fireside is as normal a part of a Holiday party as passed hors-d’oeuvres. But at this time of year, it’s wise to be well aware of the scientific community’s numerous studies on the association between alcohol consumption and cancer. Pros The National…...

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Cancer: There’s an App for That

Here’s a variety of smartphone applications created to specifically address the needs of the cancer community....

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Parasite Killer Too Found to be Effective Cancer Treatment Candidate

Researchers have ascertained that the anti-tapeworm drug, nitazoxanide (NTZ), may also hold out hope as a precision therapy for various cancers. Prostate and colon cancer cells contain high amounts of activated beta-catenin, which correlate to treatment-resistant cancer cells and other oncological parameters. In a study of the cancer-abetting potential of…...

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“System Mistrust” Interferes With Post-Surgery Breast Cancer Treatments

BALTIMORE — A study led by a Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health researcher indicates nearly one-third of breast cancer surgery patients went against their doctor’s advice, choosing to not begin or complete adjuvant anti-cancer therapy. The primary factor: a general mistrust of the American healthcare system. Adjuvant therapy…...

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Novel Cancer Genes Discovered Via New Statistical Model

LONDON — A new statistical model developed by scientists at the Francis Crick Institute revealed 27 novel genes thought to prevent cancer from forming, in an analysis of over 2000 tumors across 12 human cancer types. The findings could help create new cancer treatments that target these genes, and open…...

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6 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays

You can follow these simple tips for eating and living healthy this holiday season. Remember: Research links certain cancers to obesity....

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7 Facts You Need to Know About Lung Cancer

With lung cancer affecting the lives of so many people, it’s important to understand the disease and what we can do to improve our chances of beating it....

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NFCR Leads Delegation to Chinese BioMed Conference, Signs MOU with Host

The National Foundation for Cancer Research, led by Chairman Joseph F. Franlin and President Sujuan Ba, recruited a delegation of eight U.S. cancer technology start-ups for a successful exploratory mission to China. The companies—ArrayBio, Eutropics, Immix Biopharma, InterLeukin Therapeutics, International Cancer Impact Fund, InVaMet Therapeutics, Nonpareil Biotechnologies and Stromatis Pharma—were…...

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