Select Achievements – 2021 Cancer Research Progress


Together, we can provide hope to the millions of people diagnosed with cancer each year. Your continued partnership in our mission is critically needed to fund high-risk, high-reward research that will save lives. This report is your impact on cancer research. Thank you. 

2021 Achievements

Featured in this Report:

Paul Fisher, M.Ph., Ph.D.
Rakesh K. Jain, Ph.D.
Xiang-Lei Yang, Ph.D.
Jean Bennett, M.D., Ph.D.
Wei Zhang, Ph.D.
Katherine Uyhazi
navy donor graphic 400x360 Erika

”As a metastatic breast cancer patient undergoing treatment, I intimately know that patients and research are in a marathon. The record speed in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine came from the groundwork of past research. Other diseases demand similar critical attention and research. We have supported NFCR since 1999. We appreciate that their national position promotes a thoughtful continuum where feedback loops from across the country to inform research, coordination, and collaboration. NFCR helps break down the silos that stifle research.“

-Erika Cornelisen
Late supporter and Former Executive Director, The Alvin H. Baum Fund