Cancer Prevention | NFCR Blog

Read more below for cancer prevention tips aimed at helping you minimize your cancer risk, living a healthier lifestyle and knowing when to be screened for different cancers.

Importance of Colorectal Cancer Screening

Preventing cancer typically comes at the cost of modifying one’s behavior. Medical…

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HPV Vaccine Gets Expanded Approval from FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Gardasil 9, a…

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Screen Time: The Value of Medical Check-ups

Going to the doctor is not most people’s preferred way to spend…

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Early Cancer Screening 101

True fact: It was nearly a century ago, in 1924, when a…

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National Mammography Day

October is coming to an end and pink ribbons have been flooding…

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Bridging Well-Being, Blood Sugar and Nutrition

One of the most widespread threats to health and, therefore, well-being, is…

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Breast Exams: At Home or Clinic?

There is a grim reality to both cancer research and funding: Each,…

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All in Moderation: The Power of Exercise and Diet Choices

In 2018, there will be an estimated 1.7 million new cases of…

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A Skin Cancer 101

Let’s just dispel the myths now: There is no such thing as…

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