16 NFCR-Supported Researchers Featured at AACR 2023


16 NFCR-Supported Researchers Featured in the Forefront of Cancer Research at AACR 2023

NFCR Scientists at AACR 2023

We are proud to announce that sixteen of the National Foundation for Cancer Research’s (NFCR) supported scientists will have their work featured as part of the world-renowned American Association for Cancer Research’s (AACR) Annual Meeting this year.

Those researchers include:

  • Danny Welch
  • Suzanne Topalian
  • Elana Fertig
  • Valerie Weaver
  • Avery Posey
  • Silvio Gutkind
  • Himisha Beltran
  • Srinivas Viswanathan
  • Aaron Hata
  • Jessica Lin
  • Rakesh K. Jain
  • Mario Suva
  • Lisa Coussens
  • Daniel Haber
  • Esther Rheinbey
  • Massimo Cristofanilli

Among them, we have 4 National Academy of Science Members, 1 AACR President and 1 Szent-Gyorgyi-Prize Winner.

The AACR Annual Meeting features the work of highly accomplished thought leaders in cancer research from institutions worldwide. This Annual Meeting is an important event in the cancer community because it gives patients, survivors, and professionals a platform to share their ideas, experiences, and their latest advances.

For 16 of the top researchers in attendance to be NFCR funded researchers, speaks to the quality of NFCR research in the fight against cancer. 

NFCR’s Approach is making an Impact

At NFCR, we support (and fund) scientific research leaders across all areas of cancer research.  Our researchers are paving the way for today’s and tomorrow’s breakthroughs in cancer research. We believe in the research we are supporting and want our supporters to trust that we are pursuing our mission every day – to find a cure to cancer.

Additionally, the strong representation of our researchers at the AACR Annual Meeting further demonstrates the value of NFCR’s cancer research approach and how it delivers valuable (and groundbreaking) discoveries. Our unique approach:

  • Encourages collaboration to accelerate the pace of discovery.
  • Fills the pipeline of new prevention, diagnostics, and treatment technologies to ensure breakthroughs reach patients.

The more recognition we can garner for our mission and goals, the better our chance of finding a cure for cancer.

Learn more about NFCR’s support for all aspects of cancer research along the entire continuum.

NFCR Full Research Approach

Collaboration for Acceleration

NFCR’s collaborative research approach aims to investigate the new frontiers of cancer research, which will lead to future breakthroughs.

Combining experts with differing specialties allows new paths to discoveries and innovations. The 16 researchers above work on teams supported by our Collaborative Research Grant.

WATCH: Current AACR President Lisa Coussens acknowledges the benefits of collaborating with someone from a different discipline than her own.

Closing the Gap between Basic and Clinical Research

In addition to our collaborative research, Translational Researchers Yung Chi-Cheng and Daniel Von Hoff are featured.

NFCR support for translational research in partnership with the AIM-HI Accelerator Fund helps ensure potentially lifesaving discoveries can reach the patients who need them most. Funding research in this area is critical because projects often fail to reach the clinical stage partly because of the high cost of research and development. NFCR values increasing the number of projects in the pipeline because we know this is our best hope for discovering the right cure or cures.

Dedicated to Distinction

Beyond our active researchers, two pivotal awards at the AACR Meeting are named in honor of long-term NFCR supported researchers, the AACR Daniel D. Von Hoff Award for Outstanding Contributions to Education and Training in Cancer Research and the AACR-Waun Ki Hong Award for Outstanding Achievement in Translational and Clinical Cancer Research.

NFCR is committed to remaining at the forefront of cancer research. This is clearly demonstrated by the quality of research we are proud to support.

Top Researchers in Medicine NFCR affiliated