2023 Annual Report Now Available | NFCR.org


2023 Annual Report Now Available – A Letter from Our CEO

Sujuan Ba PhD


We are pleased to share our 2023 Research Progress Report, highlighting examples of how our research funding has worked to save lives and what we are doing now to advance progress every day to defeat cancer.

Throughout our history, NFCR has played an impactful role, and our research programs have helped pave the way for progress in new detection, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention approaches for cancer patients. We have provided critically needed funding to some of the most influential scientists and breakthrough discoveries that have advanced cancer research.

NFCR is a unique charity in many ways. One of the most essential aspects of this organization is the community and network we have helped to build. NFCR is recognized for its unique spirit and ability to collaborate with all parts of cancer research, oncology, and patient care ecosystems. This sense of teamwork between key experts and thought leaders enables NFCR to ensure that the best and most innovative approaches to curing cancer are at our forefront.

Your past loyal support has enabled NFCR and our funded scientists to make an impact to cancer research and cancer patients. Your continued support of NFCR is critical–Much more must be done! With your continued support, we can address the unmet needs in cancer research to help provide new hope for cancer patients. More resources are needed to expand our research programs, especially early detection and early intervention. The discoveries of past investments are leading the way for how patients are treated today. The investment today will lead the way for better treatments for our children and grandchildren tomorrow.

We are all part of the cure, and when we work together, great things are possible.

Note: This content originally appeared in NFCR’s 2023 Annual Report.

Dr. Sujuan Ba quote
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