Blog | NFCR President Wins International Cooperation Award


NFCR President Wins International Cooperation Award from the Chinese Medical Doctor Association

NFCR President receives the inaugural award from Society for Neuro-Oncology of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association for her outstanding contribution to international cooperation in March 2017.

From left to right: Wenbin, Li, Tao Jiang, Sujuan Ba, Webster Cavenee

Dr. Jiang Tao, the Chairman of the Society for Neuro-Oncology of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and the vice director of the department of neurosurgery at Beijing Tiantan Hospital presented Dr. Ba with the award.

Dr. Wenbin, Li, the general secretary of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and the director of glioma program at Beijing Shijitan Hospital, provided remarks at the event. He said, “Congratulations to NFCR President and COO Dr. Sujuan Ba for receiving the inaugural Award for Outstanding Contributions of International Cooperation from the Chinese Medical Doctor Association. Dr. Ba’s outstanding work has helped to build trust and alliances between the U. S. China, and other countries through diversified platform, ensuring that each country’s unique advantages are brought together to enable highly effective and productive international collaborations.”

The award recognizes Dr. Ba’s efforts leading and facilitating numerous high-impact international collaborative projects over the past two decades, including building a high-quality cancer tissue biorepository in Asia and a recent cross-continent adaptive clinical trial platform, GBM AGILE (which stands for Glioblastoma Multiforme, Adaptive Global Innovative Learning Environment).

Dr. Li also explained how “Dr. Ba has led the creation of the Tissue Bank Consortium in Asia and the Joint Tissue Bank Facility at Tianjin Cancer Hospital and Institute to promote best practices for biorepositories and biobanks and for building international collaboration platforms for tissue-based cancer research. The project has been proclaimed an exemplary international platform for private, public and government partnership for international collaboration in the fields of cancer biomarkers and therapeutic development.”

Dr. Ba currently serves on the executive committee for GBM AGILE and is co-chair of the Patient Focused Research and Advocacy Committee. GBM AGILE – a revolutionary clinical trial design – provides a learning environment that proactively generates new knowledge, identifies promising therapies and quickly moves them to advanced clinical trial phases.

Dr. Li finished his remarks by saying, “Dr. Ba has been instrumental in establishing, expanding and escalating the scale and scope of these and other highly influential international collaborative work. These projects have and will continue to make substantial impact in accelerating translational and clinical cancer research, bringing better prevention methods, improved diagnostic tools and more effective treatment strategies to cancer patients around the world.”