Healthy Environment - Healthy Bodies


Healthy Environment = Healthy Bodies

Earth Day 2018

As we celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd of this year, we collectively draw attention to common environmentally friendly habits: use less plastic, reduce chemicals in the environment, cut down on air pollutants, and choose environmentally friendly farm products.

This list of eco-friendly tips and tricks, however, drastically overlaps with common cancer prevention recommendations. While avoiding the use of plastic is good for the external environment, it’s also good or our internal environment, as it reduces the ingestion of carcinogenic byproducts, such as BPA.

Eating organic foods and avoiding chemical fertilizers is another great reminder on Earth Day, but it’s also an important cancer prevention recommendation. Most recently, the chemical fertilizer Round-Up was correlated with the development of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – a good reminder to avoid ingesting and using potentially dangerous chemicals in our daily lives.

Protect our Planet. Protect our Lives.

So, as we celebrate Earth Day, it’s interesting to notice the overlap between protecting our planet and protecting our bodies from cancerous mutations. Is it possible that a healthier planet earth will also mean a healthier humanity? By protecting and preserving our external environment, could we also protect and preserve our internal environment?

Our planet is not just a giant rock. Earth is a living, breathing ecosystem of which we are an integral part. It is our life source. By caring for the earth, we are caring for our bodies. By preserving the earth, we are preserving our lives.

What Can You Do?

The National Foundation for Cancer Research is spending millions of dollars a year to fund breakthrough science in oncology labs to find the cure for cancer, but today we are not just asking for donations.

We want you to ask yourself this question: 

“What is one small change I can make that will both protect the planet and protect my body from cancer?”

Leave your commitment in the comments below: