Brian Wachtel Is Promoted to Chief Development Officer at NFCR

The National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) proudly announces the promotion of Brian Wachtel to Chief Development Officer. Brian will continue his responsibilities as the Executive Director, and his expanded role will further enhance his leadership within the organization.
Brian joined the National Foundation for Cancer Research in September 2016 as the Director of Corporate Partnerships & Special Events. In that capacity, he was in charge of organizing and expanding NFCR’s community outreach events. One of his important responsibilities was to launch third-party fundraising partnerships and youth-driven mentorship activities through NFCR’s signature programs, such as Play4TheCure, Youth Ambassador, and Arts4ThCure. Brian has gained respect from communities and expanded the community fundraising events significantly.
In May 2018, Brian was promoted to Senior Director of Corporate Partnerships & Special Events, where he continued to build on his previous success and demonstrated an innovative approach and strong initiatives to lead various community fundraising events. He also gained more knowledge and brought several significant new opportunities to NFCR.
The leadership recognized his efforts and dedication, and he was promoted to Executive Director in January 2019. In this capacity, Brian oversaw many NFCR donation-generating programs, from direct mail to digital marketing, events, major gifts, sponsorship development, and foundation relations.
“I couldn’t be more proud of Brian! I am thrilled to see him take on this expanded role,” said Dr. Sujuan Ba, President and CEO of NFCR. “His comprehensive understanding of NFCR’s mission and strategic vision has driven the organization’s growth and success. Brian’s journey at NFCR into a position of executive leadership is a prime example of the culture we promote at the foundation. Through hard work and commitment, all have an opportunity to grow and expand in their areas of impact. Brian has the trust of NFCR leadership and staff, as well as our supporters and donors, and I have no doubt he will continue to make further impact at NFCR and our mission. I look forward to seeing his continued impact as Chief Development Officer.”
“I am honored and excited to take on this expanded role at NFCR,” said Brian Wachtel. “During my tenure at NFCR, I have witnessed the advancements and development of the critically needed therapies and technologies among our scientists to help cancer patients. Having been touched personally by losing family members to this awful disease, I want to see a future without cancer. I am very committed and will work tirelessly to lead our fundraising efforts, generating the critically needed funding to support the innovative scientists making progress in the fight against cancer.”
About NFCR:
The National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization co-founded in 1973 by Nobel Laureate Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi and Attorney/Business Entrepreneur Franklin Salisbury, Sr. NFCR provides scientists in the lab with the critical seed funding they need to make game-changing discoveries in cancer detection, treatments, prevention, and ultimately, a cure for all cancers. NFCR has distinguished itself in the cancer research sector by emphasizing “high-risk, high-impact” long-term and transformative pioneering research fields often overlooked by other major funding sources. With the support of more than 5.3 million individual donors over the last 51 years, NFCR has provided $415 million in funding to cancer research, prevention, and public education. NFCR-supported research has led to some of the most significant life-saving discoveries that benefit patients today.