Sun Safety: Many Young Adults Don’t Know the Basics
Summertime means living carefree in the sunshine, but a recent survey shows many young adults take that lifestyle too literally. A recent study from the American Academy of Dermatology found that a third of Americans failed a basic quiz on sun exposure — and young adults did the worst. Forty-two percent of…...
NFCR Fellow’s Research Sheds Light on Mechanism for Blood Vessel Formation in Cancer
Almost all living things need oxygen to survive. In human cells, the key to staying healthy is the right balance of oxygen. NFCR fellow Xiang-Lei Yang a professor at Scripps Research Institute has spent much of her career exploring the processes by which tumors sprout new blood vessels when they…...
How Long Can the Immunity Against COVID-19 Protect Us from Reinfection?
There has been major concern about the protective power of immunity against the novel coronavirus. Many people have asked: how long can the immunity, once acquired by the previous infection or vaccination, protect us from the COVID-19 reinfection? In February of 2021, a group of researchers reported that the immunity…...