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Why Play4TheCure?

Play4TheCure relies on partnerships with sports teams to raise awareness and funds for world-renowned scientists who lead the fight to prevent, treat and cure cancer, ALL cancers. In 2019, 251 teams partnered with Play4TheCure, raising more than $268,000. Register today to help Play4TheCure reach our ambitious 2020 goal of $300,000!...

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Get Healthy in the New Year: How to Make Resolutions that Stick

There’s something about tossing the old calendar and instating a new one that encourages people to finally make some changes for the better. Last year, a huge majority of Americans made the resolution to get healthier by dieting, exercising, or simply losing weight. Other popular resolutions included kicking cigarettes and…...

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Celebrate Healthy Weight Week in 8 Simple Steps

January is a particularly difficult time to remain healthy and active in many parts of the United States. The days are short, the air is harsh, and the skies are grey. Many Americans prefer to sit under a cozy blanket in front of the television with warm comfort foods in…...

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The NFCR & AFCR Symposium: A Meeting of the Minds

On October 27th, the biannual 2019 Scientific Symposium on Cancer Research and Global Collaboration brought together the brightest minds of the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) and the Asian Foundation for Cancer Research (AFCR). Held in Rockville, MD, the three-day gathering was a chance for scientists funded by both…...

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Ricardo Garcia: The Power of Repurposing

When volasertib was discontinued after an unsatisfactory Phase III clinical trial as an anti-leukemia drug, it did not die a quick death, or die at all. Like Viagra and thalidomide before it, volasertib was “repurposed;” if the original vision for the compound fails, it is simply a matter of finding…...

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