Blog Archives - Page 38 of 77 - NFCR


Halloween in the Hospital: 5 ways to harness Halloween fun

Having a child in the hospital is one of the most difficult challenges a parent may face. Knowing one’s child is unwell and experiencing fear and pain is crippling. On top of that, keeping them from experiencing the childhood parents have envisioned adds additional heartache. Whether the child is missing…...

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Record-Breaking Year for Chelsea Field Hockey

After Roxy was diagnosed in 2010, the community mobilized to support Roxy and other breast cancer patients. For years, Chelsea Field Hockey raised money for breast cancer research, eventually joining Play4TheCure at the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) in 2015....

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Play4TheCure: Upper Dublin Field Hockey Team

Like many Play4TheCure teams, the Upper Dublin field hockey team learns far more than athletic skills during their season....

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Cross Training: Unlock Your Athletic Potential

Everyone has a favorite type of exercise. Some people walk into their gym, do a few miles on the treadmill, and call it a day. Others may find themselves getting their 30 minutes a day by playing sports or from a mindful yoga practice. While there isn’t necessarily a wrong…...

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