New Study Shows YIV-906 Reduces Side Effects in Rectal Cancer Treatment - NFCR


New Study Shows YIV-906 Reduces Side Effects in Rectal Cancer Treatment

The National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) proudly shares new findings from Yale Cancer  , highlighting the potential of YIV-906, an experimental botanical drug developed by Dr. Yung-Chi Cheng, a longtime NFCR-Supported Scientist. A study published in the Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology demonstrates that YIV-906 significantly reduces gastrointestinal side effects in rectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.


Study Findings

The study followed 24 patients treated with YIV-906 alongside standard chemo-radiation prior to surgery. Results showed that YIV-906 greatly minimized severe side effects such as diarrhea, fatigue, and nausea. The five-year overall survival rate for these patients reached 82%, with no grade-four toxicities and only two grade-three cases of diarrhea. This reduction in toxicity allowed patients to complete their treatment regimens, improving both the treatment’s effectiveness and quality of life.

“This is the first demonstration of YIV-906’s effectiveness in reducing GI toxicity caused by chemo-radiation,” said Dr. Cheng. “It shows the medicine’s potential to enhance patient quality of life while boosting treatment outcomes.”

Addressing an Unmet Need for Cancer Patients

YIV-906 is based on traditional Chinese medicine and has been shown to act as an immunomodulator, enhancing the immune system’s response to tumors, while also protecting the digestive system. These new results add to previous evidence of YIV-906’s ability to improve the safety and efficacy of various cancer treatments, including chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

Researchers, including senior author Dr. Susan Higgins of Yale School of Medicine, are hopeful that YIV-906 will be further evaluated in randomized clinical trials for other gastrointestinal and pelvic cancers.

NFCR, which has provided over $2.5 million in funding since 1991, is proud to continue supporting Dr. Cheng’s groundbreaking work. With global partnerships like AstraZeneca China, YIV-906 represents a promising fusion of Western and Eastern medicine to address cancer on a global scale.