Cancer-Fighting Food | NFCR Blog

Research suggests approximately 30-40% of cancer diagnoses could be prevented by modest diet and lifestyle changes. Below we highlight nourishing foods with anti-cancer properties backed by research. Enjoy!

Study links dietary fat consumption to breast cancer survival rate

It is undisputed that diet and nutrition are linked to the cause…

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Healthy Garden Teriyaki Stir-Fry

Nourishment is a fundamental aspect of body-mind wellness. It provides the raw…

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Root Vegetables and Exotic Fruits Month: Getting These Superfoods on Your Plate

Winter’s tantalizing coolness has been slowly creeping its way into the northern…

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A Healthy Holiday Recipe: Stuffed and Roasted Squash

Putting together a holiday menu can be fun—but also stressful. There are…

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Thanksgiving Recipe: Soup or Side Dish—or Both!

The National Foundation for Cancer Research expresses our appreciation to chef German…

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Bridging Well-Being, Blood Sugar and Nutrition

One of the most widespread threats to health and, therefore, well-being, is…

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Simple, Fresh and Tasty Summer Salad

Summer, as wonderful as it is, can bring high heat, humidity and…

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Eating for Cancer Prevention

We’ve all heard about the importance of healthy eating and living for…

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Antioxidants: Body Balance

A 2017 epidemiological study published in Frontiers in Oncology suggests that a diet…

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PUFAs & Cancer

In the last century, the American diet has seen a dramatic rise…

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Forty Percent of American Cancer Cases Linked to Weight

In a report published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and…

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