GBM Agile Archives - NFCR

GBM Agile

Global Coalition for Adaptive Research (GCAR) Names Gary Gordon Interim Chief Executive Officer

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 8, 2018 CONTACT: Global Coalition for Adaptive Research Rachel Rosenstein-Sisson, Executive Assistant E-mail: / Phone: 617-299-6471 National Foundation for Cancer Research Bradley Gillenwater, Senior Director for Global Programs & Communications E-mail: / Phone: 301-961-9161 LEXINGTON, MA & ROCKVILLE, MD – Gary Gordon, M.D., Ph.D.,…...

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Medical Coalition Led Largely by NFCR Unites to Battle Glioblastoma

Medical knowledge of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the deadliest form of brain cancer, has grown exponentially, but has not resulted in marked improvements in treatment for patients. Addressing this is GBM AGILE (GBM Adaptive Global Innovative Learning Environment), a global medical and scientific coalition that is the first platform trial for…...

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Understanding Adaptive Clinical Trials

Testing new treatments is key to successfully treating cancer. Unfortunately, the current model for conducting clinical trials — evaluating the effectiveness of therapies on human subjects — is inefficient, expensive and suffers from high failure rates. To overcome these challenges, the practice of adaptive trials is emerging and has become one…...

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