The National Foundation for Cancer Research’s clinical efforts work!

Our support for innovative therapies, trial enrollment platforms, and novel study approaches are bringing the newest and best in cancer care to patients.

Support for Novel Approaches


Since its 2015 conception and ever since, NFCR has been a strong supporter of GBM AGILE, a revolutionary clinical trial system that efficiently tests new treatments for patients with the brain cancer glioblastoma. This “adaptive” platform trial can test multiple experimental therapies at once or over time. 

Standard trials typically test one therapy against the standard of care or a placebo, severely limiting the efficiency of finding new treatments for the deadliest form of brain cancer. But GBM AGILE offers tremendous flexibility and cost-savings, allowing candidate drugs showing significant evidence of efficacy to be given to more patients and ineffective drugs to be eliminated.

Instead of waiting several years in hopes of participating in small, standard trials, brain cancer patients are now able to benefit more quickly from treatment advances.