Play4TheCure FUNdraising Ideas - NFCR


Play4TheCure FUNdraising Ideas

Play4TheCure is dedicated to raising funds for the National Foundation for Cancer Research through competitive sports featuring recreational sports clubs, middle schools, high schools and collegiate sporting events. Through the program, teams are encouraged to brainstorm unique fundraising strategies. To help you get started on your fundraiser, here is a list of FUNdraising ideas for you and your team:

    1. Recycling Drive: Set up a partnership with a local company that will buy recycled products from you. Then, advertise around school that your team will be hosting a recycling drive, and ask students to bring in bottles, cans, cellphones, clothes, and other recyclable items.
    2. Egg Painting: During a game around Easter time, set up a table and have it run by a volunteer where people can pay a fee to paint Easter eggs. Remember, you can be festive any time of the year by customizing your fundraiser around a holiday.
    3. Penny Drive: Set out one bucket per grade in a part of your school with high foot traffic. Whichever grade can fill their bucket with loose change first gets a reward.
    4. Cook-Off: Think of a theme (e.g. muffins, chili, pancakes) and have participants pay a fee to enter their best dishes. To increase the number of donations, guests can judge the entries by making a donation themselves!
    5. Naming Rights: Sell naming rights to something small, such as a brick in a wall or a seat in a lecture hall, to individual students who make the highest donations.
    6. Stress Relief Event: School can be very stressful, especially around finals. Charge a donation fee for admission and run yoga sessions, therapy dog sessions, and other stress relief activities.
    7. Sports Tournament: Run a tournament for your sport where participants are charged an entry fee.
    8. Dinner-For-A-Week: Have a raffle at one of your sporting events where the winner gets dinner for a week from different restaurants in town who donated a meal for two.
    9. Care Packages: During midterms or finals season, send an order form out to parents who can order care packages as a surprise gift for their child. You can make the packages yourself and have them include candy, chips, hot chocolate, cookies, a mug, a magazine, etc.
    10. Movie Night: Charge participants a small fee to watch an age-appropriate movie on a big screen at school. You can offer snacks and refreshments for a donation fee as well!

Be sure to share your event and fundraiser. Tag us and use #Play4TheCure. You may be featured on our social media!


