Cancer Fighting Lifestyle - Page 10 of 11 | NFCR Blog

Cancer Fighting Lifestyle

6 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays

You can follow these simple tips for eating and living healthy this holiday season. Remember: Research links certain cancers to obesity....

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Outrunning Cancer: Exercise is the Best “Medicine”

Many common cancer treatments and surgeries are invasive and have uncomfortable or painful side-effects which make movement and participation in even the most basic of activities a challenge. Patients are traditionally told to take it easy after being diagnosed or undergoing surgery and treatments. However, a change in school of…...

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Start Your Day Right with Cancer-Preventing, Nutrition-Packed Pancakes

Tuesday, March 7th is National Pancake Day! You can celebrate by trying our favorite sugar-free banana oat pancakes. Research links certain types of cancers to obesity, so it’s smart to avoid too much of the typical calorie-laden indulgence. Luckily, we have a nutritious, delicious twist for you! And don’t forget…...

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Decadent, Delicious, Disease-Preventing Dark Chocolate

There are some good health reasons, in addition to good taste reasons, to enjoy chocolate - especially dark chocolate. Let the cancer-fighting powers in!...

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Cancer-Curbing Cauliflower: Your Carb Replacement

Cauliflower is one of the most versatile vegetables in the cruciferous family & can be used to replace carbohydrates. Here's a cauliflower recipe & tips....

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Tasty Tomatoes: Anti-Cancer Attributes & A Healthy Recipe

Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins A, C and E, and the antioxidant lycopene. Studies show that lycopene may help prevent certain types of cancers....

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Taste the Cancer-Fighting Power of the Rainbow

Eating a rainbow-filled diet is a good way to make sure you’re getting a variety of vitamins and nutrients that can help prevent cancer. Check out our rainbow salsa recipe!...

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Taste the Cancer-Fighting Power of Kale

Early research shows that a diet containing the powerful antioxidant vitamin K may reduce the overall risk of cancer. Try this nutritious, delicious cancer-fighting recipe that’s perfect this time of year....

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