Genomics Archives - NFCR


Genetic Testing: Learning More About Your Cancer Risk

Genetic testing can be an important tool in helping patients learn about their inherited cancer risk, but the results are not always as clear as patients might expect. Just as traits such as hair color and eye color can be passed down from parents to their children, so too can…...

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Breakthrough: Single-Cell Sequencing

Genomics, the branch of molecular biology concerned with the structure, function, evolution, and mapping of an individual’s genes, is already revolutionizing the way medicine treats cancer. Like many sciences, genomics has “niches;” single-cell genomics is a rapidly developing field, and current technologies can assay a single cell’s gene expression, DNA…...

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Dr. Webster Cavenee: Oddball Ideas

When Dr. Webster “Web” Cavenee first introduced the idea of genetic tumor suppressors in 1982, it took to the air like a lead balloon. “I got a lot of blank looks,” he recalls. “A lot of angry ones, too.” How times change. Tumor suppressor genes, also called antioncogenes, are now…...

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Cancer Genomics Research: A Young and Exciting Field

Genomics is an interdisciplinary field of science focusing on the structure, function, evolution, mapping and editing of genomes, which itself is a specific organism’s complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. While DNA was first isolated in 1869, and its structure identified in 1953, genomes were not first…...

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Cancer and Genomics: A Primer

In 2017, genetic researchers in the United Kingdom introduced a powerful new mechanical tool in the growing field of genomics which may guide the way to new cancer treatments. The high-tech genome sequencer, the Illumina NovaSeqTM 6000, was unveiled at The Institute of Cancer Research (the ICR) in London. “It…...

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