Szent-Györgyi Prize Archives - Page 2 of 5 - NFCR

Szent-Györgyi Prize

Brian Leyland-Jones: Now Is the Time!

“This is the transformative time in oncology,” heralds Brian Leyland-Jones, M.B., B.S., Ph.D., and there is no spin doctoring in the statement by the member of the National Foundation for Cancer Research’s scientific advisory board. From genomics to targeted therapies to vaccinations, the last 40 years has seen more strides…...

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Albert Szent-Györgyi’s discovery of vitamin C

In a world of ever-changing fad diets, it can be difficult to pinpoint what exactly constitutes as proper nutrition. Luckily, there are some basic nutrition tips that everyone can agree on. It’s no secret that fruits and vegetables are the key to a well-balanced diet, regardless of the current fad.…...

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Dr. Webster Cavenee: Oddball Ideas

When Dr. Webster “Web” Cavenee first introduced the idea of genetic tumor suppressors in 1982, it took to the air like a lead balloon. “I got a lot of blank looks,” he recalls. “A lot of angry ones, too.” How times change. Tumor suppressor genes, also called antioncogenes, are now…...

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Ronald DePinho: The Age of Cancer

“For me, this is one of the great honors of my research career,” says Dr. Ronald DePinho, who in 2009 won the prestigious Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research—and who has a touching personal tie to the namesake of the accolade. “I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Szent-Györgyi…...

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Zhen-Yi Wang & Zhu Chen: Quite a Combination

There was a time when if you were diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia, or APL, the prognosis was grim. First discovered in 1957, APL is a form of acute myeloid leukemia, where immature white blood cells called promyelocytes accumulate in the bone marrow. The overgrowth of promyelocytes leads to a…...

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Carlo Croce: It’s All About (Trans)Location

“It was a great pleasure because it is so important,” recalls Carlo Croce, M.D., of his 2008 win of the National Foundation for Cancer Research’s Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research. “The committee is very selective, and they really want to choose outstanding people who really have made a…...

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Alex Matter: Making Targeted Therapy a Reality

“I was attracted, even as a youngster, by infectious diseases and cancer,” recalls Alex Matter, M.D. That young boy would pursue these passions and, in adulthood, emerge as a leading global authority in the disease field. Now the CEO of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research, or A*STAR, the…...

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