Ways to Give | CFC / United Way / Matching Gifts - NFCR

CFC/CHC/United Way

CFC/CHC/United Way

Giving Through Your Employer

The National Foundation for Cancer Research is a proud member of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), Community Health Charities (CHC) and United Way. Many employers in the public and private sectors encourage charitable giving through a number of programs. Here you’ll find some of the most common ways employees can contribute a portion of their earnings.

workplace giving

Combined Federal Campaign

Cancer Research America – NFCR is the name of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and the ICA State Employee Campaign programs for the National Foundation for Cancer Research. Government employees can generously allocate a portion of their paycheck to go to NFCR by selecting Cancer Research America – CFC #11267 – as their charity of choice and select an amount of money to donate per paycheck. NFCR funds leading cancer researchers throughout the United States and the funding provided by NFCR has led to important breakthroughs and will continue to do so. The contributions from participants in the Combined Federal Campaign and ICA State Employee Campaign allow NFCR to fight for a goal we all share: a cancer-free America.

Cancer Research America is a proud nationwide charity partner of Creating Healthier Communities (CHC). Creating Healthier Communities is a nonprofit that raises awareness and resources for health and wellness by connecting more than 2,000 of the most trusted health charities, including Cancer Research America, across the United States with more than 17 million caring donors through workplace giving campaigns, causes, wellness programs, employee engagement, and strategic partnerships. Cancer Research America is represented by CHC in workplace giving campaigns nationally, including the Combined Federal Campaign (our CFC giving code is 11267), public campaigns hosted by State and County governments, and private campaigns hosted by companies of all size. Look to designate a gift to Cancer Research America in your workplace giving campaign to help us fund cancer research and foster scientific collaboration to lead to a cure for all types of cancers.

Creating Healthier Communities

chc trusted partner cancer charity nfcr

Check with you local state’s United Way program on how you can support scientific cancer research via the National Foundation for Cancer Research.